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    In accordance with the City of College Station’s Mayoral Order #3, and in cooperation with our local community’s effort to mitigate and slow the spread of COVID-19 while concurrently taking into consideration the overall health and safety of all our members and staff, we have established the following face coverings policy. Please note that implementing face covering policies in a situation where higher respiration and activity is involved takes additional consideration and contemplation when compared and contrasted to other business settings. SECTION 1. PURPOSE: The primary purpose of this policy is specifically to help minimize and decrease the amount and reach of respiratory droplets, that may carry the COVID-19 virus, from being released into the air when a person coughs, sneezes, breaths, or talks (Sweeney 2020). SECTION 2. POLICY SPECIFICATIONS: At all times while in our facility, all members, guests, and staff are required to wear a proper face covering, covering both the mouth and nose. Face coverings may include homemade masks, scarfs, bandanas, or handkerchiefs. Face coverings that are designed to not filter exhaled air (masks with plastic valves in the front), and only filter inhaled air, are not permitted, and will not been deemed as an appropriate face covering since they do not help to mitigate respiratory droplet release. We strongly discourage the use of medical masks or N-95 respirators as they are a needed resource for health care providers and first responders. Face coverings may only be temporarily removed when consuming food or drink. SECTION 3. FACE COVERING WAIVER: Individuals that have any valid concerns of “greater mental or physical health, safety, or security risk[s]” while exercising with a face covering have the option of completing a face covering waiver. A wristband will be provided to anyone that has completed a face covering waiver to help identify those that have successfully done so. Anyone seen without a wrist band that is not wearing an appropriate face covering will be immediately required to put on a face covering, complete a valid face covering waiver, or vacate the facility. This waiver is only needed to be completed once and will not have to be facilitated for each individual visit a person makes to our facility. This waiver will in no way carry over to any other businesses that fall under the Mayoral Order #3. From 12 PM to 3 PM daily, our face covering waiver is not recognized, and appropriate face coverings, as identified in section 2, must be worn by everyone in the facility without question, as this time frame is reserved and established for individuals who are considered high-risk for contracting COVID-19. It is required by anyone utilizing a face covering waiver to make every attempt possible to respectfully maintain at least a six foot distance from all others in the facility at all times; failing to make such an effort will cause a face covering waiver to be permanently rescinded and void.
  • TIPS ON PROPER WEAR OF A FACE COVERING DURING EXERCISE (adapted from Boone, 2020; CDC, 2020; Sweeney, 2020):"
    Make sure your mask is sized correctly to cover your nose and face for proper protection. The mask should feel comfortable and snug around your cheeks and nose. Try not to fidget with the mask while you are working out. If the mask restricts your breathing prior to exercise, it will not be good to wear during exercise. Wash your hands PRIOR to putting on your mask. Soap and water are fine or use an alcohol-based hand rub. Make sure you do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth when removing your mask. Wash your hands AFTER taking off your mask. It is best to remove your mask by the ear loops because the front of the mask is where germs have the highest likelihood of collecting. A great advantage of a cloth mask is that it can be washed. Exercise enthusiasts who exercise regularly are encouraged to have a few masks so there is a clean, dry mask ready for each workout. Any laundry detergent will be fine for washing cloth face masks. When you talk, keep your mask over your nose and mouth. Do not pull it down as this defeats the purpose of blocking respiratory droplets from being released in the air. If you tend to sweat a lot when you exercise (indoors or outdoors), perhaps bring a second mask with you and replace when it becomes damp. It is best to replace a damp mask (from exercise sweat or outdoor humidity). For people who wear glasses, sometimes they fog up if too much air is released near the nose of the face mask. Readjust the mask to be snug over the nose. Furthermore, it has been shown that washing glasses with soapy water, without rinsing, and letting them dry prior to wearing a face mask reduces fogging. Alas, folding a tissue and placing underneath your glasses may absorb any escaping moisture from your breath. References: Boone, L. (2020). The Do’s and Don’ts of Wearing a Face Mask Correctly (and Comfortably). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020). Recommendation Regarding the Use of Cloth Face Coverings, Especially in Areas of Significant Community-based Transmission. Sweeney, K. (2020). The Do’s and Don’ts of Face Masks.
    We have suspended the use of certain pieces of equipment to help support appropriate distancing of facility patrons. We require that everyone in the facility remain conscious and mindful of those around them to ensure a proper distance of no less than six feet from others is maintained at all times.
    Anyone that is ill, or has any symptoms of illness, is prohibited from entering the facility. If someone is displaying signs of illness, they will be respectfully asked to leave the facility. We have a touchless medical grade rapid readout thermometer conveniently located near the entrence of our facility that members and guests are welcome to use to help support self-monitoring for illness. All staff members are required to check and record their temperatures upon entry of the facility.
    The Minimum Standard Health Protocols for Gyms/Exercise Facility Patrons created and mandated by the State of Texas states that patrons must wear gloves that fully cover the fingers while exercising. In full cooperation of the State's mandate, we require all members, guests, and staff to wear full-finger gloves while in the facility. We have an assortment of full-finger fitness gloves to choose from for purchase at the club for those that do not have full-finger fitness gloves.
    All members, guests, and staff are required, without exception, to sanitize all equipment used, directly after use, as applicable, with the provided sanitizing products conveniently located throughout the facility.
    All patrons and staff are required to wash or sanitize their hands upon entering the facility. Hand sanitizer is conveniently located at the front of the facility.



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